Using Blogilo for Drupal blog

KDE4 contains a nice little blogging client called Blogilo. Configuring it for usage with my Drupal website was rather easy.

But why would you want to use an offline client, when you can enter your entry as well online - quite comfortably, if you have installed a module like CKeditor (like me)? I guess there are quite a lot of reasons - in my case, it is mostly because I think that I will not always be able to write my whole blog entry at once, having to care for my children and therefore having to interrupt my blog sessions every now and then.

So these are the steps that led me to success:

  1. Activate the BlogAPI module: Administer -> Site building -> Modules, turn on the checkbox for "Blog API", click on "Save configuration".
  2. Configure the BlogAPI module: Administer -> Site configuration -> Blog API, turn on the checkbox for "Blog entry" (and other checkboxes, if you wish), and "Save configuration" again.
  3. Set the permissions: Administer -> User management -> Permissions, in the "blogapi module" section, turn on the checkbox "administer content with blog api" for the role "authenticated user" (or for any other role, if you prefer to), don't forget to "Save permissions".
  4. Add the Blog in Blogilo: Blog -> Add Blog, enter the corresponding data:
    Blog/Homepage URL: in my case:
    Username: your Drupal username
    Password: should be clear ;-)
    then click on "Auto-Configure" which did the rest.
  5. Check if auto-configuration has recognised the API correctly (which it did in my case): click on the "Advanced" tab, the "API" selection should show you "MovableType API", or otherwise you would have to change it to that.
  6. Click OK, you are ready.

Up to now I am quite content with the Blogilo client. There is only one thing that I really miss: proper multilanguage support. As much as I have seen, you can change the clients language (Help -> Switch Application Language..."), but you have to restart Blogilo in order make the setting take effect. As I might write some of my entries in German in the future (and would like to profit from spell checking in that language, too), this is rather inconvenient. I hope the Blogilo guys will fix that soon.

Happy Blogging!

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